So much information could be shared on the topic of anxiety, worrying and overthinking. I will post more on the topic later on, as it is a key component to wellness and overall health. Many people, even more so nowadays are coping with anxiety, insomnia and the inability to relax.every single day. For a variety of reasons, stress with work, financial matters, genetics or personality (prone to nervousness). Many factors contribute to the ability to properly manage stress and emotions. However, that is not the only cause. Interestingly in the last few years I came across the link between mineral deficiencies and the serious effects on the body, which is becoming more commonly talked about in health care. As many studies are rapidly underway to correlate and start understanding the link between gut health + mental health…..As magnesium is absorbed in the gut, by the small intestine.

Magnesium is needed in the body to regulate a variety of functions and is one of the key minerals in the body. From regulating insulin levels, diabetes prevention, heart health and bone health. Low magnesium levels also attribute to higher levels of anxiety and migraines, leg cramps at night and seizures. I used to have all 4. I used to frequently get migraines about 3-6x per month, and was unable to sleep through the night, unable to sleep at all some nights and had seizures through my life, and horrible leg pains at night while growing up. The epilepsy I had, had no root cause and was always a mystery to the doctors assisting me, low and be hold low magnesium levels are also linked to seizures. Magnesium is often used by injection to control seizures. While reading all of this new information it became really hard for me not to get frustrated with our current health care system, and its lack of attention paid to detail. Magnesium? That was what could have been at the root cause of all the discomfort, I am only speculating. However, the link is strong and scientific evidence supports it.

I have never approached by general practitioner regarding the topic as they typically suggestion oral medications for the above mentioned ailments, which typically have strong side effects. I have the utmost respect for doctors, however I would recommended approaching a Naturopath Doctor for a conversation such as this.

After a ton of reading a research it became clear to me what was underlying all of these, mineral deficiency, with depleted magnesium levels I was suffering huge. I suspect at a younger age while my body was undergoing changes and going through puberty the demand was huge for magnesium, and as an adult it began to balance out, the seizures and leg pains stopped, but the anxiety and lack of sleep never did. Until I started supplementing my daily intake with a magnesium supplement. I could guesstimate that 90% of individuals today are depleted of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients due to our quality of food and our levels of stress. Chronic headaches, muscle stiffness, inability to sleep, teeth grinding and tension/anxiety are all connected with magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium is also used to TREAT, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, weak bones, PMS, urinary incontinence, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, constipation and can be used to assist with weight loss.

If magnesium TREATS all these conditions, why are we not talking more about it? Why are doctors not looking at their patients and seeing the signs of depletion???? It blows my mind and so I am blowing the whistle. Magnesium should be coming in adequate amounts through our intake of foods like fiber, broccoli, squash, green leafy vegetables and whole grains. How many people include this in their diet everyday?

If you do have any of the above mentioned symptoms, I recommended going to a local health foods store and picking up a supplement either capsule or powder form. Speak with your doctor if you are taking medications as drug interactions may be common. I will do another post on how the body can become depleted of these minerals and other signs of mineral deficiencies.


Cold, F., Health, E., Disease, H., Disease, L., Management, P., & Conditions, S. et al. (2019). Magnesium: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning. Retrieved from

You only need one asshole to survive!

Did I get your attention? And yes, it is true. You only need one asshole to survive, and we are all born with one! So, why make a habit of collecting more? You know the ones I am talking about, the chronic complainers, the constant people who brag of their accomplishments, people who manipulate, take advantage of or put you down. Mine and your definition of the word may be different yes, but I think overall you get the point. What do assholes do? Eliminate/excrete waste. As with our body, as with the nature of the above people I described. It could be someone at work, someone in line at a coffee shop or someone near and dear. I say, treat it as a situation you don’t need to become involved with, and move on your way. It will serve you better in the long run. Sounds easier said than done? Not really….you CHOOSE who you spend your time with, who you hold conversations with and what you let get under your skin.

Being surrounded by these types of situations and people affect our own MOOD and HAPPINESS! Life can be challenging enough without having to worry about those in your social circle or work setting/friend group whatever it may be not having your back. We want those around us to stand up and cheer when we do well, and genuinely care about it being a mutual give and take relationship. Check in with yourself, how do you feel after you spend time/talk with this person? Do you feel the connection is genuine, do you laugh and relaxed when you are around this person? If it is someone within the work environment and you are unable to leave, I recommended staying away from that asshole and minimizing interactions. You will go home with less stress, enjoy your family more and overall feel better about yourself.

Over the years, I have removed many people from my life who I didn’t feel were serving me in any positive way, in doing this my intuition became stronger and my mood a lot lighter. I have left jobs because of it, or had to tailor my interactions within the work environment so I was able to manage these types of people. The social calendar may suffer but in the long run you will feel better about yourself, your decisions and your stress level will go down. People may judge or wonder what has changed, but I promise you will sleep better at night knowing you spend time on people who love and respect you. Naturally these are the types of people/situations that are going to bring out the worst in you. I think we all have the tendency on a bad day to complain, lash out or be moody, at the end of the day we are human. So if you feel the need to lash our, or are having a bad day, simply remember this: you already have an asshole, so you don’t need to act like one!

And, it is also important to note the difference between a bad mood and someone permanently being removed from your life. Take a few minutes to yourself and see if there is any cleanup or situations that need to be revised in your own life. And, the next time you are in Starbucks and there’s an asshole in line…don’t react & remember what i told you.

Facial Mapping

Get up right now, go look in the mirror. Not just a glance but a good hard look at your face. Say something kind to yourself and refrain from criticism. Take note of this: is your skin dry?, Do you have dark circles under the eyes, how white are the sclera of your eyes?, do you have acne or red marks? Swelling in the face? Puffiness of the cheeks, are you showing signs of dehydration? Do you have a runny nose and lots of mucus? Where are the lines forming on your face, showing the early signs of aging, skin breakdown and lack of collagen?

We all prioritize tasks, it is essential for our day to day survival. You prioritize going to work over going out with friends, paying rent over buying new shoes and likely sleep over going to the gym. We prioritize that which promotes our survival, so although you may desperately want to look and feel your best, your body is going to send all the help to the areas that need it most. Your vital organs, regulating blood pressure, regulating blood glucose levels, maintaining oxygen saturation, and digestion and breaking down food for energy. Your body uses a huge amount of energy for brain fuel and is round the clock working to metabolize and eliminate substances.

What does this mean? Skin, hair, nails, teeth and oral care all become the runner up. You might start to notice hair loss, thinning hair, bleeding gums, bad breath, thin nails and various skin conditions. Understanding facial mapping, and what we see surface level not only will lead to improved self confidence, but will contribute to an overall sense of health.

Those dark circles I mentioned are your kidneys showing signs of poor elimination, dehydration and toxin accumulation. Our kidneys play a vital role in detoxification and one of the bodies key systems in processing and metabolizing waste. Lack of sleep, dairy products and over consumption of caffeine are also contributing factors to dark circles under the eyes. Ways to improve: get between 6-8 hours of sleep per night, drink lots of water throughout the day and limit caffeine intake.

The swelling, puffiness and flushed redness on your cheeks is related to stomach & liver. The more water you consume the more tight and firm your skin is going to be, tired and sagging skin which can be at any age, is a sign your body is begging for more water. Greasy foods, fried foods and alcohol slow digestion and fluid retention is also common. More than likely you have noticed when you lose weight your face shape changes, particularly in the cheeks or jaw line. This may not be directly related to loss of fat, but the fact you are drinking more water, less alcohol and the stomach & liver are getting a much needed break, and other symptoms begin to clear.

The sclera and white part of your eyes should be clear, and free from fatty deposits. Yellowing or darkening of the sclera can indicate the liver and gallbladder are not functioning properly. Those who have cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure, will show signs of jaundice and discoloration of the sclera.

Forehead – small intestine & stress / nervous system. Lines, wrinkles and furrows on the forehead indicate slow and weak digestion and an over stimulated mind. The small intestine is responsible for the absorption of minerals and nutrients, the food we eat is broken down and passes through the small intestine. If the small intestine is damaged from years of processed foods, gluten, dairy and red meat it is unable to properly function and break down material. The nervous system is like a battery, it needs to unplug and be charged. Ways to improve: set aside time for worrying and minimize stress, constant worry and overthinking will wreak havoc on bodily systems. Chew and eat food slowly, start including meals will are centered around vegetables, reduce intake of white flour/sugar products. Try fasting! A great way to heal our intestinal tract is to stop snacking and give it a rest!

I have not included all the bodily systems in the post, as I did not want to be too lengthy. However, wanted to introduce an interesting concept and insight into health. Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM focuses and treats its patients, largely on what is reflected through the external presentation of the body. Does it not make more sense to focus on what is right in front of you, and use those clues as a starting point? Instead of relying on beauty products, plastic surgery or just accepting it is part of the natural aging process? I see more and more 20-30 year old’s with dental problems, skin conditions and hair loss, going for plastic surgery / botox at 30? This is not normal aging. Do some investigating and see how many symptoms you have and what systems are needing more care and attention.

Be useful – Be Kind ~

We all have them, days, weeks or could be months where things just aren’t right. Your mood is low, work is tough or your just in a place where you don’t feel happy. There may be times when going out with friends, or taking a few days off just doesn’t do the trick, you still feel crappy. I would suggest this, to become useful. Focus on a task, volunteer or pick a new project and give it 100%. Sometimes it is best to step outside of yourself, and seek something out of the regular routine. Sometimes our sadness, discomfort and anger could be signaling that it is simply time for a change, not a drastic change but a change or perspective. Help someone else out or buy yourself something nice, treat yourself and do something you have never done before! Buy someone else something nice, if we fail to make ourselves happy there is still much value into giving that to someone else.

We all have a set of skills and talents that can be given for free, I have found if I am in a bad mood going out and doing something kind for someone else can be a great pick me up. You will notice many people do this, and I think it is important to comment on. Letting someone go ahead of you in traffic, offering to help a friend move, buying someone a coffee or giving away clothes you no longer need or wear. These small gestures can help to shift and give a sense of happiness in small ways, eventually it leads to a life of depth and your perspective will change. By focusing on another person our attention shifts from ourselves, our worries and lack thereof in our life. By focusing on external gratitude our internal selves begin to shift, and we begin to gain perspective.

Too often we put pressure onto ourselves that the next big purchase, job or relationship is going to be what makes us happy. Finishing a program, or taking a big trip. Can you relate to feeling defeated after the high and returning to your regular routine? It is that feeling I am talking about here, what stretches further is compassion and gratitude for the present moment.

Stay healthy, Be Kind.

Dry Skin Brushing…ever heard of it?

Today I wanted to share with all of you a simple and quick technique that SHOULD definitely be include in your morning or evening routine. The magic of dry skin brushing, in case you have never heard of it, dry skin brushing is to be done on dry skin, in an up wards motion towards the heart using a loofah, sponge or course bristle brush. I would recommended starting off with a loofah, and depending on the sensitivity of your skin then moving onto something stronger.

  • Helps to exfoliate skin
  • Improves lymphatic drainage
  • Removes dead skin cells
  • Stimulates nerves
  • Promotes healthy blood flow
  • Helps to break down cellulite, fat deposits that sit under the skin
  • Stimulates the sweat glands
  • Assists with opening pores, sebaceous glands
  • Helps to remove toxins
  • Assists with detoxification!!

The lymphatic system is largely ignored when it comes to education re: the body and how vital its importance and role in prevention of disease. You have lymph nodes located all along your body, the major ones being in the armpits, neck, groin. Lymph fluid is an accumulation of all the toxins and waste accumulated throughout the body. At the lymph nodes, the waste material is filtered and white blood cells destroy the harmful substances. Your lymphatic system, unlike your circulatory system does not naturally flow on its own. In order to keep the lymph nodes, lymph fluid and lymphatic vessels all functioning we must stimulate and cleanse the lymph. Dry skin brushing directly acts on the lymphatic system, and encourages and promotes healthy flow.

To further understand the importance of the lymphatic system, lets consider that some of the most prevalent cancers are near or alongside our lymph nodes. Cancer of the throat/neck area, breast cancer, hodkin lymphoma, prostate cancer and many more. The cancer originates and eventually spreads to the lymph nodes, then the lymphatic fluid which is carried all over the body can no longer clean the system and more toxins are accumulating. Cancer is a devastating disease, and I do not advise or suggest that any of the mentioned health remedies are direct preventatives. However, there are remedies and daily habits we can incorporate to look and feel our best, while taking care of vital systems within the body!

Enjoy ~

A way to start the day..

Aiming for 6-8 hours of sleep a night is ideal for the average adult, teens and children often requiring more. Upon waking, the body is in a state of dehydration from a nights sleep and coming out of a state of repair and autophagy. Autophagy is the destruction of dead tissue cells and debris that accumulate over time. The body during a sleep state is busy breaking down material, and without taking any water in for that window of time we need to be replenished.

We also lose moisture through the breathing process, and often wake up with dry mouth or bad breath. Snacking before bread with chips, sodas or alochol will further dehydrate the body due to high sodium content, further aggravate the situation. Hence why we wake up in the morning, sore, stiff or sleepier than usual. Before sleep and upon first waking up in the morning, drink a large glass of water with a citrus additive. Lemon, lime or grapefruit works best. You can also add cucumber and mint for taste and nutrients.

Starting the morning with a few deep breathing exercises, or breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth for a repetition of 10 breaths will help to oxygenate and wake up all the cells in your body! During sleep the respiratory rate slows, and breathing is shallow, focus on taking a few slow deep breaths which will calm the nervous system and put you in a relaxed state before starting the day.

This should be done right upon waking in a quiet and relaxed environment. Aim for 1-2 glasses of water right upon waking!


You need to try this to achieve the hair you have always wanted. I will write more recipes to come, but this one is part 1. of the detox cleanse hair module.

I for years box died my hair, bleach blonde and eventually it all thinned and became very short. I was unsure I would ever be able to grow out my hair, and have spent years searching recipes to try and grow it back. Which ended up taking about 2.5 years altogether, and it has now grown back thicker and longer than ever.

One of my favorites, which did assist with the hair regaining health and I started incorporating early on was apple cider vinegar. I would recommended this for anyone of all ages, for basic scalp care as well. As it nourishes, and also cleanses the scalp after having used shampoo + hair products for years.

An apple cider vinegar rinse can be done in two ways, or however you choose to mix and create what works for you.

#1. Take a spray bottle and fill up with half apple cider vinegar and half water, or if your hair is more dry then use more water & less apple cider vinegar, on dry hair spray the apple cider vinegar and leave in over night, you can add essential oils such as lemon, peppermint, and rosemary for enhanced growth & a better scent.

The person you share a bed with will appreciate this also.

#2. After showering and shampooing the hair, rinse with apple cider vinegar. Again, you can take a cup into the shower with apple cider vinegar and water mixed. Rinse, before conditioning and letting your hair completely air dry.

There is no set way to complete the method, apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial, anti fungal and cleansing properties. Baldness and hair loss, hair breakage maybe caused by build up shampoos, conditioners, hair gel and apple cider vinegar is a great way to cleanse and replenish the scalp. This is a good beginners step to regrowth & hair health.


A day in the life

I have worked for 8 years in health care. I have worked in palliative/end of life care, community health, assisted living care and long term care facilities, on a suicide crisis intervention/prevention support line and closely in mental health for the past five years. This path I chose lead me to moments I didn’t think really possible, until it was right in front of me. Working in health care you see some of the most raw natural moments that could ever occur, the body giving its hardest fight, the body giving up, the body healing, the body adjusting. You see various changes that are simply apart of life’s natural process but often cause lots of emotional and physical pain, and on a positive note, lots of healing!

I have seen the mind break during a psychotic episode completely gone and detached from what we know as reality, turning inwards on oneself and everyone involved paranoid, terrified and violent. I have seen the horrendous effects of drugs and addiction on the spirit and brain, the lasting impacts of fetal alcohol syndrome, many neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders and the damaging effects of accidents, PTSD and organic brain disorders. I have seen first hand the intensity in which cancer can consume the body and death coming with out any notice or warning.

Most importantly I have listened to many many stories of regret, what could have or should have been done differently while the person had time. While they were still healthy, while they were still walking…before they got sick….what they want to do after they get well.

People often share their deepest fears, secrets and pain with strangers, without having the fear of being judged…. this is a huge part of the job.

As hard as this may be to understand, of all the jobs I have had and places I have worked. The hospital , care homes, facilities, hospice and end of life care has offered the most learning, the most touching moments and the most understanding out of any job I have ever had. After every hard moment, there is healing. Laughter, and always a new day. There is lots of love in hospital and care facilities, people often become softer when they are sick, people become softer when they are grieving. Of course there are those who lash out, are angry and demanding but usually it is out of fear.

What is the point of all of this? What have I understood from it all? That the crisis will pass, that the moments are hard and people suffer but it is not always bad. I have also had the amazing opportunity to see the joy we get from the small things. A cup of tea, our favorite meal, a favorite song, walking, going outside and feeling the sun on your face. I have seen patient’s light up beaming with love when family comes to visit, they are able to shower independently or have a hot bath. I have seen the love between couples who have been married for 40 years, I get to hear stories of entire lives people have lived. I have gotten to witness people overcome addiction, and been fascinated countless times at the endless power of the brain and human spirit.

Yes, your body is temporary. All of this is temporary, that seems to be one of the biggest wars we wage with ourselves. The sheer inability to understand that this for all of us will come to an end. So appreciate every single moment, your body + mind / life you know could change on an instant.

The message is this. What goes up will come down, it is the law of the universe. You need to make all of your moments good and bad the best they can possibly be.

And please take pleasure in the small moments, they are the ones that matter most. Listen to your favorite song, tell your family and friends you love them and always know your toughest moments are going to pass.

A list of 5 things….

We have more power and control over our current circumstances than we could ever imagine. Your own mind and spirit was the most powerful tool you were ever given. This is a frightening concept, as it provokes a few terrifying ideas. What do I do with all this power? Now I must act, what if I fail? Instead we remain complacent, give up our power and choose to look away. Choosing to believe the control comes from money, status and materialistic concepts. Well I am here to shake your reality and tell you without a healthy mind, body & soul. Not a single one of those things matter.

For this I would recommend, by starting out with a list of 5 things that are important to you. Just start with 5, and see what of those 5 things you can incorporate more of into your life. If it is easier you can start with 2, but know that you have the ability to make the difference and changes somewhere. If this is a new concept for you, and you have been lead to believe all your circumstances are beyond your control then start with 2.

For example your list could have, time with friends, travel, listening to new music or taking a new class. Taking 1 day for yourself a week to practice self care, starting a blog or simply getting more sleep. The top 5 things can be of your own choosing, but start off slow and understand that it starts with you.

So again, start by writing down 5 things that are important to you, where are you giving up control? what is lacking, what makes you feel powerless? Most of the time we do have a hobby, a passion or a pursuit we love. Something that was meant for us and we have given up long ago, simply to busy ourselves with work, or social gatherings we don’t even care to attend. Quite frankly the whole adult thing is rather boring, and designed to have you believe you don’t have the control. Take it back. No one ever gave up on you but you.

Write all of this down and find one small area you can make an adjustment, you will begin to notice you are the driver and everything else is merely happening around you.

What is a Prostaglandin?

The body adapts and will undergo whatever changes necessary to survive and function. An essential component in that process is how each of our organs function and regulate to the demands of the body. I would like to explain without causing offense, that none of our systems are firing and functioning properly. Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, Reproductive & Neurological.

It is impossible at this point to say we are at optimal health, with demanding jobs, hectic schedules and minimal time to exercise, combined with the standard american diet, I think it is far to say our systems are out of wack. I have met few people who described or lived an optimal state of health.


A Prostglandin is a compound, lipid substance made by many organs in your body. They are sent to work to respond to injury, assist with blood clotting and trigger inflammation. All of this done to protect the body, when damage has occured to try and stop and repair the injury.

What raises levels of Prostaglandin, and why does it matter? When the body is under attack and responding with Prostaglandins in response, it can cause long term damage. It sounds odd to think that something that helps protect us, can also severely hurt and damage us. Life seems to work that way, for reasons understood by few.

How does this happen?

You spend a weekend out with friends binge drinking alcohol, eating greasy foods, pulling an all nighter and rushing to work the next morning, or somewhere along the way have a fight with a friend, check the depressing news and the cycle repeats. What does all of this cause? stress to the body. Or you have a high stress job, no time to exercise and financial stress, to cope with all of this you take up smoking and caffeine habit. The body is under attack, all of the systems and organs are releasing Prostaglandin, a compound to fight off the injury, what they perceive as threat and injury. You already know from the hangover, tightness in your chest, bags under your eyes, lack of sleep, low mood or angry outbursts that something is wrong, the body is showing you the symptoms. But what we fail to see is the work being done underneath, high levels of prostaglandin which are being sent to help, are also contributing to increased allergies, fever, swelling, pain, redness, chronic pain, arthritis and high prostaglandin levels are linked to various cancers and the development of cancer cells. High prostaglandin levels also force contraction of the uterus, and relaxation of smooth muscle tissue. This could perhaps be one of the contributing factors related to high incidences of miscarriages in young women, more commonly seen than ever before and many gastrointestinal related disorders such as diarrhea and crohns.

Overall it is important to understand the body is doing the best it can, but it needs your help. We have been given the tools already to survive and flourish, but you can not expect that our current lifestyles are not throwing the entire system out of wack. The Prostaglandins are there to help to respond and assist with many important bodily functions, such as regulating gut bacteria, assisting with blood clotting and helping to repair damaged tissue. We need to understand that in order for the process to work when its supposed to, we can not add more stress to the system. We need the prostaglandin for when it is time to attack and fight off a cold, repair tissue that is naturally becomes damaged with age and regulate bad gut bacteria.

What can you do to lower your prostaglandin level?


Decrease Alochol Intake

Minimize intake of red meat, dairy and gluten

Quit smoking

Reduce stressors related to work, relationships

Do a yearly detox

Educate yourself about what you are putting inside your body, research and understand the processes that are going on INSIDE your body. shift the focus from the external demands and understand your body wants to work with you, not against you!